
Program Erasmus+ / Comenius





On 12th June, beautiful, sunny afternoon, our traditional fete took place. It was a great opportunity to meet, play and have fun together with student, parents, teachers and graduates.

Our aim was to make an example of different activities and reliable lifestyle promoted in local society and to integrate the participants. Our school was well prepared for this event. Every year the fete has a different title. This year it was

“The Wonders of Solstice”

We wanted to show the effects of our international cooperation with schools from Spain, Italy, Greece, Great Britain, Turkey and Latvia within the Comenius project. The children presented games, songs and dances from different countries. At the same time they proved the respect for native culture and for European traditions. The project has finished and we wanted to emphasize the fact that knowing the culture and traditions of different countries is a priceless experience of knowing the whole world.

The participants of the fete had the possibility to take part in the European quiz. There were artistic performances on the decorated stage, and all around the guests could buy lots of delicious sweets and desserts.

In the playgrounds the students took part in sports competitions and games which are also very popular among our European partners. There was a football match for adults – representatives of the local authorities versus teachers and parents.

The fete was a really great success. The amount of work, effort and engagement of the whole school community proves the high quality of our school. The best reward for us is a great atmosphere, students’ smile and happiness. Once again we would like to thank parents and sponsors of the fete.

There is no doubt that our family fete was the most colorful and the most delicious final event in the school year.    

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